Car Care Service:
Cooling & Heat:
Aurora/Naperville Auto Parts and Services
All Factory Scheduled Maintenance.
Makes & Models We Service:
- Hybrid and Diesel vehicles
- And many others...we're here to serve all your needs
To keep your vehicle running properly at all times, we offer a number of services in the Aurora/Naperville area that are carried out by our certified, expert auto service and repair technicians, who have over 35 years of experience performing everything from oil changes to a complete engine overhaul.
We use high-tech diagnostic equipment to guarantee your vehicle is repaired and/or serviced correctly the first time around, and we only use the highest quality replacement Aurora/Naperville auto parts, Aurora/Naperville tires, filters, oils, and components when it comes to your car.
Our ASE certified technicians will give you and your vehicle the attention it requires. Our Naperville/Aurora auto repair facility will quickly and accurately diagnose your vehicle to get you back on the road and behind the wheel as fast as possible. Since we utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment along with up-to-the-minute auto repair service information, most auto repairs are handled the same day. One of our specialties is auto electrical repairs. Today's automotive systems are getting more complex and our certified technicians are known to zero in on the faults quickly and accurately.
Copyright 2018 Comprehensive Auto Repair Inc.: Naperville Auto Repair. All Rights Reserved.
2940 Weber Drive Aurora IL 60502
(630) 995-3348
We are now located at 2940 Weber Drive Aurora IL 60502 (Northeast corner of Eola and Weber Drive)